Name: Jessie Tomren

Company: Mid-Columbia Libraries

Title: Community Libraries Director

My Superpower is: Making to-do lists and crossing things off

Six Questions with Jessie

Question 1: What excites you most about Leadership Tri-Cities?

The opportunity to get more in depth knowledge of our community both via the in-depth session days, but also through my classmates. 

Question 2: If you could meet one person, who would it be?  

Trevor Noah – I love his comedic and insightful view on life, especially with his unique experience of growing up in Apartheid South Africa.   

Question 3: What word or sentence would people close to you use to describe you? 

That being in a “helping” profession aligns with who I am. 

Question 4: What is one project you would be excited to work on in the Tri-Cities? 

Something impacting social issues (like people experiencing homelessness or addiction) or preparing our kids for success.

Question 5: My favorite spot in the Tri-Cities is:

Chiawana Park, the far west end that’s just beyond the edge of the grass.  There’s a short clearing & path of sorts that the trees arch over… It’s also where my husband and I said our vows and eloped. 

Question 6: Something that deserves more recognition in the Tri-Cities is:

bias here…Our libraries.  They’re great, and everyone who is not using them should!