Name: Karlee Hodges

Company: Richland School District

Title: High School Science and AVID Teacher

My Superpower is: Making things happen

Six Questions with Karlee

Question 1: What excites you most about Leadership Tri-Cities?

Connecting, learning from, and growing with people who want to make positive changes in their lives and in our community.

Question 2: If you could meet one person, who would it be?  

My grandma, Chieko.  

Question 3: What word or sentence would people close to you use to describe you? 

Determined and compassionate 

Question 4: What is one project you would be excited to work on in the Tri-Cities? 

Creating or supporting the development of new positive youth development programs.

Question 5: My favorite spot in the Tri-Cities is:

Chamna Natural Preserve

Question 6: Something that deserves more recognition in the Tri-Cities is:

The strength and power of our youth.